On the motion of a heavy rigid body in two special cases of S.V.Kovalevskaya’s solution

    Received 12 September 2017; accepted 20 December 2017

    2018, Vol. 14, no. 1, pp.  123-138

    Author(s): Gorr G. V., Shchetinina E. K.

    Two particular cases of the Kovalevskaya solution are studied. A modified Poinsot method is applied for the kinematic interpretation of the body motion. According to this method, the body motion is represented by rolling without sliding of the mobile hodograph of the vector collinear to the angular velocity vector along the stationary hodograph of this vector. Two variants are considered: the first variant is characterized by a plane hodograph of the auxiliary vector; the second variant corresponds to the case where the hodograph of this vector is located on the inertia ellipsoid of the body.
    Keywords: Kovalevskaya’s solution, Poinsot’s method
    Citation: Gorr G. V., Shchetinina E. K., On the motion of a heavy rigid body in two special cases of S.V.Kovalevskaya’s solution, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2018, Vol. 14, no. 1, pp.  123-138

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