Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Saint-Petersburg, 199034 Russia
    Saint-Petersburg State University


    Салатич А. А.,
    Different forms of the double confluent Heun equation are studied. A generalized Riemann
    scheme for these forms is given. An equivalent first-order system is introduced. This system can
    be regarded from the viewpoint of the monodromy property. A corresponding Painlevé equation
    is derived by means of the antiquantization procedure. It turns out to be a particular case of $P^3$.
    A general expression for any Painlevé equation is predicted. A particular case of the Teukolsky
    equation in the theory of black holes is examined. This case is related to the boundary between
    spherical and thyroidal geometries of a black hole. Difficulties for its antiquantization are shown.
    Ключевые слова: Double confluent Heun equation, antiquantization, Painlevé equation $P^3$, Teukolsky equation
    Цитирование: Салатич А. А., ,  Antiquantization of the Double Confluent Heun Equation. The Teukolsky Equation, Нелинейная динамика, 2019, Vol. 15, no. 1, с.  79-85

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