Kirill Yefremov
Karavaev Y. L., Shestakov V. A., Yefremov K. S.
Experimental Investigations of the Control Algorithm of a Mobile Manipulation Robot
2019, Vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 487-495
This paper presents experimental investigations of the control algorithm of a highly maneuverable
mobile manipulation robot. The kinematics of a mobile manipulation robot, the
algorithm of trajectory planning of the mobile robot to the point of object gripping are considered.
By realization of the algorithm, the following tasks are solved: solution of the inverse
positional task for the mobile manipulation robot; motion planning of the mobile manipulator
taking into account the minimization of energy and time consumption per movement. The result
of the algorithm is a movement to the point of gripping of the manipulation object; grasping
and loading of the object. Experimental investigations of the developed algorithms are given.