, Tененев В. А., Чернова А. А.
Incorporation of Fluid Compressibility into the Calculation of the Stationary Mode of Operation of a Hydraulic Device at High Fluid Pressures
2021, vol. 17, no. 2, с. 195-209
This paper is concerned with assessing the correctness of applying various mathematical
models for the calculation of the hydroshock phenomena in technical devices for modes close to
critical parameters of the fluid. We study the applicability limits of the equation of state for
an incompressible fluid (the assumption of constancy of the medium density) to the simulation
of processes of the safety valve operation for high values of pressures in the valve. We present
a scheme for adapting the numerical method of S. K. Godunov for calculation of flows of incompressible
fluids. A generalization of the method for the Mie – Grüneisen equation of state is made
using an algorithm of local approximation. A detailed validation and verification of the developed
numerical method is provided, and relevant schemes and algorithms are given. Modeling of
the hydroshock phenomenon under the valve actuation within the incompressible fluid model is
carried out by the openFoam software. The comparison of the results for the weakly compressible
and incompressible fluid models allows an estimation of the applicability ranges for the proposed
schemes and algorithms. It is shown that the problem of the hydroshock phenomenon is correctly
solved using the model of an incompressible fluid for the modes characterized by pressure ratios of
no more than 1000 at the boundary of media discontinuity. For all pressure ratios exceeding 1000,
it is necessary to apply the proposed weakly compressible fluid approach along with the Mie –
Grüneisen equation of state.
, Tененев В. А., ,
Nonlinear Processes in Safety Systems for Substances with Parameters Close to a Critical State
2021, vol. 17, no. 1, с. 119-138
The paper presents a modification of the digital method by S. K. Godunov for calculating
real gas flows under conditions close to a critical state. The method is generalized to the case of
the Van der Waals equation of state using the local approximation algorithm. Test calculations
of flows in a shock tube have shown the validity of this approach for the mathematical description
of gas-dynamic processes in real gases with shock waves and contact discontinuity both in areas
with classical and nonclassical behavior patterns. The modified digital scheme by Godunov with
local approximation of the Van der Waals equation by a two-term equation of state was used for
simulating a spatial flow of real gas based on Navier – Stokes equations in the area of a complex
shape, which is characteristic of the internal space of a safety valve. We have demonstrated that,
under near-critical conditions, areas of nonclassical gas behavior may appear, which affects the
nature of flows. We have studied nonlinear processes in a safety valve arising from the movement
of the shut-off element, which are also determined by the device design features and the gas
flow conditions.